
中文/Engilsh |
姓名 |
教授 |
辦公室 |
工程五館433室 |
電話 |
分機55106 |
實驗室 |
工程五館 243室
分機 55138
工程五館 329室
分機 55187
實驗室 |
分機 55190 |
E-mail |
aclee@mail.nctu.edu.tw |
單位名稱 |
職稱 |
國立虎尾科技大學 |
副校長 |
國立交通大學 |
講座教授 |
國立交通大學 |
工學院副院長 |
國立交通大學 |
工學院在職專班主任 |
國立交通大學 |
機械工程系教授 |
國立交通大學 |
生產自動化中心主任 |
國立交通大學 |
機械工程系副教授 |
學位 |
學校 |
學士學位 |
國立清華大學 (台灣) |
碩士學位 |
國立清華大學 (台灣) |
博士學位 |
威斯康新大學麥迪森分校(美國) |
項目 |
數控工具機相關技術 |
磁浮軸承相關技術 |
旋轉動力與控制相關技術 |
生產自動化相關技術 |
項目 |
數控工具機控制器設計 |
集束型製程設備物件導向控制器設計 |
半導體封裝相關設備研發 |
TFT-LCD相關設備研發 |
渦輪分子真空幫浦研發 |
件數 |
項目 |
1 |
獲80、81年國家科學委員會優良研究獎 |
2 |
獲82~83年、84~85年、86~87年國家科學委員會傑出研究獎 |
3 |
獲88~90年、91~93年國家科學委員會特約研究員 |
4 |
獲國科會94年度「傑出特約研究員獎」 |
5 |
獲1995年中國機械工程學會傑出工程教授獎 |
4 |
獲2001年中國工程師學會傑出工程教授獎 |
6 |
獲華中科技大學客座教授91~93年 |
7 |
獲1997年Who's Who in the World, 15th Edition, 登錄 |
8 |
獲 International Biographical Centre Cambridge, England 登錄於 "Outstanding People of the 20th Century",1999出版 |
9 |
應邀在Academic Press每年所出的Series, "Advances in Control and Dynamic Systems"1992撰寫一章 |
10 |
應邀在第十一屆中國機械工程學會研討會專題演講 |
11 |
國家科學委員會(86~90年)諮議委員會委員 |
12 |
機電整合與自動化學學會(82~83年,90年~迄今)年理事 |
13 |
中國機械工程學刊(82年~迄今)編輯委員 |
14 |
Journal of Applied Mechanics and Engineering(84年~95年) 國際期刊編輯委員 |
15 |
經濟部科專案及主導性新產品計畫審查委員 |
16 |
教育部技職司有關技術學院及科技大學計畫審查委員 |
17 |
各種與專業有關之國內及國際研討會籌備委員及論文審查委員 |
18 |
(2004~2007)獲聘國立交通大學講座教授(Chair professor) |
19 |
(2007~2010)獲聘國立虎尾科技大學講座教授(Chair professor)
20 |
(2010~2013)獲聘國立交通大學講座教授(Chair professor)
21 |
2010年第25屆美國匹茲堡國際發明展金牌獎 |
22 |
2010年台北國際發明暨技術交易展發明競賽金牌獎 |
23 |
International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing(2004~)國際期刊編輯委員 |
Referred Paper ( since 1990~) |
件數 |
項目 |
1 |
A. C. Lee and J. H. Chen, 1990, "Optimum Extraction of Structural Characteristics from Response Measurements," AIAA J. of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics, Vol. 13, No. 4, pp. 675-683. |
2 |
A. C. Lee and J. S. Chou, 1990, "Computer Classification of the PCG Waveform," Int. J. of System Sciences, Vol. 21, No. 3, pp. 593-609 |
3 |
A. C. Lee, 1990, "Minimum Variance Controller for a Class of Nonlinear Systems," Int. J. of System Sciences, Vol. 21, No. 11, pp. 2091-2101. |
4 |
A. C. Lee, D. P. Chen, and C. L. Lin, 1990, "A CAD/CAM System from 3D Coordinate Measuring Data," Int. J. of Production Research, Vol. 28, No. 12, pp. 2353-2371.(NSC 76-0611-E009-02) |
5 |
A. C. Lee, C. S. Liu, and S. T. Chiang, 1991, "Analysis of Chatter Vibration in a Cutter-Workpiece System," Int. J. of Machine Tools & Manufacture, Vol. 31, No. 2, pp. 221-234. (NSC 76-0611-E009-02) |
6 |
A. C. Lee, Y. Kang and S. L. Liu, 1991, "A Modified Transfer Matrix Method for Linear Rotor-Bearing Systems," ASME Journal of Applied Mechanics, Vol. 58, pp. 776-783(NSC 81-0401 -E009-08) |
7 |
A. C. Lee, and C. S. Liu, 1991, "Analysis of Chatter Vibration End Milling Processes," Int. J. of Machine Tools & Manufacture, Vol. 31, No. 4, pp. 471-479.(NSC 76-0611 -E009-02) |
8 |
A. C. Lee, S. T. Chiang, and C. S. Liu, 1991, "Analysis of Cutting Forces and Shape Errors End Milling," Journal of CSME, Vol. 12, No. 4, pp. 412-426.(NSC 76-0611-E009-02) |
9 |
A. C. Lee, Y. Kang, K. L. Tsai, K. M. Hsiao, 1992, "Transient Analysis of an Asymmetric Rotor-Bearing System During Acceleration," ASME Journal of Engineering for Industry, Vol. 114, November, pp. 465-475.(NSC 81-0401-E009-08) |
10 |
Y. Kang, Y. P. Shih, A. C. Lee, 1992, "Investigation on the Steady-State Responses of Asymmetric Rotors," ASME Journal of Vibration and Acoustics, Vol. 114, pp. 194-208.(NSC 81-0401-E009-08) |
11 |
A. C. Lee, and C. H. Chen, 1992, "Optimal Sampling in the Identification of Randomly Excited Structural System," J. of Mechanical Systems and Signal Analysis, Vol. 6, No. 4, pp. 329-344. |
12 |
A. C. Lee and S. T. Chen, 1992, "Optimal Vibration Control for a Flexible Rotor with Gyroscopic Effects," Int. J. of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Series III, Vol. 35, No. 3, pp. 446-455.(NSC 81-0401-E009-08) |
13 |
Y. S. Shieh and A. C. Lee, 1992, "A Novel Control Algorithm for Rapid and Precise Positioning," Int. J. of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Series III, Vol. 35, No. 4, pp. 560-568. |
14 |
Y. F. Fan, S. T. Chen, and A. C. Lee, 1992, "Active Control of an Asymmetrical Rigid Rotor Supported by Magnetic Bearings," J. of Franklin Institute, Vol. 329, No. 6, pp. 1153-1178.(NSC 81-0401-E009-08) |
15 |
S. T. Chen and A. C. Lee, 1993, "Decoupling Vibration Control of a Flexible Rotor System with Symmetric Mass and Stiffness Properties," J. of Systems and Control Engineering, Vol. 207, pp. 9-14.(NSC 82-0401-E009-405) |
16 |
S. T. Chen and A. C. Lee, 1993, "Vibration and Robust Control of Symmetric Flexible Systems," AIAA J. of Guidance, Control and Dynamics, Vol. 16, No. 4, pp. 677-685.(NSC 82-0401- E009-405) |
17 |
A. C. Lee, Y. P. Shih and Y. Kang, 1993, "The Analysis of Linear Rotor-Bearing Systems -- A General Transfer Matrix Method," ASME Journal of Vibration and Acoustics, Vol. 115, Oct., pp. 490-497.(NSC 81-0401-E009-08) |
18 |
A. C. Lee, Y. Kang, and S. L. Liu, 1993, "Steady-State Analysis of a Rotor Mounted on Nonlinear Bearings by the Transfer Matrix Method," Int. Journal of Mechanical Sciences, Vol. 35, No. 6, pp. 479-490.(NSC 81-0401-E009-08) |
19 |
S. T. Chen, Y. H. Fan, and A. C. Lee, 1994, "An Effective Active Damping Design for Suppression of Vibration in Flexible Systems via Dislocated Sensor/Actuator Positioning," Int. J. of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Series III, Vol. 37, No. 2, pp. 252-259.(NSC 82-0401-E009-405) |
20 |
A. C. Lee, F. Z. Hsiao, and D. Ko, 1994, "Performance Limits of Permanent Magnet Biased Magnetic Bearings," Int. J. of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Series III, Vol. 37, No. 3, pp. 783-794.(NSC 80-0401-E009-04) |
21 |
A. C. Lee, F. Z. Hsiao, and D. Ko, 1994, "Analysis and Testing of a Magnetic Bearing with Permanent Magnets for Bias," Int. J. of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineering, Series III, Vol. 37, No. 3, pp. 774-782.(NSC 80-0401-E009-04) |
22 |
A. C. Lee, and S. T. Chen, 1994, "Collocated Sensor/Actuator Positioning and feedback Design in the Control of Flexible Systems," ASME Journal of Vibration and Acoustics, Vol. 116, April, pp. 146-154.(NSC 82-0401-E009-405)
23 |
K. M. Hsiao, R. T. Yang, and A. C. Lee, 1994, "A Consistent Finite Element Formulation for Nonlinear Dynamic Analysis of Planar Beam," Int. J. for Numerical Method in Engineering, Vol. 37, p.p. 75-89. |
24 |
Y. Kang, A. C. Lee, and Y. P. Shih, 1994, "A Modified Transfer Matrix Method for Asymmetric Rotor-Bearing Systems," ASME Journal of Vibration and Acoustics, Vol. 116, No. 3, July, pp. 309-317.(NSC 80-0401-E009-04) |
25 |
Y. N. Yang, W. H. Chieng, and A. C. Lee, 1994, "Design for Manufacturing Elastic Pivots with Special Reference to Manufacturing Error," Int. J. Machine Tool and Manufacture, Vol. 34, No. 8, pp. 1103-1118. |
26 |
F. Z. Hsiao and A. C. Lee, 1994, "An Investigation of the Characteristics of Electromagnetic Bearings Using the Finite Element Method," ASME Journal of Tribology, Vol. 116, October, pp. 710-719.(NSC 80-0401-E009-04) |
27 |
Y. H. Fan, and A. C. Lee, 1995, "Decentralized Control of a Rotor System Supported by Magnetic Bearings," Int. J. of Machine Tools and Manufacture, Vol. 35, No. 3, pp. 445-458.(NSC 80-0401-E009-04) |
28 |
Y. S. Shieh, and A. C. Lee, 1995, "A New Sampled-Data Drive for CNC Machine Tools," Int. J. of Machine Tools and Manufacture, Vol. 35, No. 6, pp. 885-902.(NSC 83-0422-E009-063) |
29 |
S. T. Chiang, C. M. Tsai, and A. C. Lee, 1995, "Analysis of Cutting Forces in Ball End Milling," Journal of Materials Processing Technology, Vol. 47, pp. 231-249. (NSC 82-0422-E009-072) |
30 |
S. T. Chiang, D. I. Liu, and A. C. Lee, 1995, "Adaptive Control Optimization End Milling Using Neural Networks," Int. J. of Machine Tools and Manufacture, Vol. 34, No. 5, pp. 637-660.(NSC 83-0422-E009-063) |
31 |
J. H. Chen, and A. C. Lee, 1995, "Estimation of Linearized Dynamic Characteristics of Bearings Using Synchronous Response," Int. J. of Mechanical Sciences, Vol. 37, No. 2, pp. 197-219.(NSC 80-0401-E009-04) |
32 |
Y. N. Yang, W. H. Chieng, and A. C. Lee, 1996, "The Joint Displacement Method for Multi-Loop Kinematics Analysis," JSME International Journal, Series III, Vol. 38, No. 4, pp. 790-797. |
33 |
P. P. Sheu, W. H. Chieng, and A. C. Lee, 1996, "Modeling and Analysis of the Intermediate Shaft Between Two Universal Joints," ASME Journal of Vibration and Acoustics, Vol. 118, January, pp. 88-99.(NSC 80-0401-E009-04) |
34 |
S. L. Jeng, W. H. Chieng, and A. C. Lee, 1996, "Modeling and Diagnosis of the Motion Error of Multi-axis Machine Based on DBB Measurement," ASME Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control, September Vol. 118, pp. 531-539. |
35 |
F. Z. Hsiao and A. C. Lee, 1996 "Optimum Design of a Magnetic Bearing - Controlled Rotor System," Journal of Applied Mechanics and Engineering, Vol. 1, No. 2, pp. 263-291. |
36 |
F. Z. Hsiao, J. G. Fan, W. H. Chieng, and A. C. Lee, 1996 "Optimum Magnetic Bearing Design Considering Performance Limitations," JSME International Journal, Series III, Vol. 39, No. 3, pp. 586-596. |
37 |
A. C. Lee, and Y. P. Shih, 1996 "Identification of the Unbalance Distribution and Dynamic Characteristics of Bearings in Flexible Rotors," Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, Vol. 210, pp. 409- 432. |
38 |
H. K. Lee, S. T. Chen, and A. C. Lee, 1996 "Optimal Control of Vibration Suppression in Flexible Systems via Dislocated Sensor/Actuator Positioning," J. of Franklin Institute, Vol. 333, No. 5, pp. 789-802. |
39 |
Y. S. Shieh, A. C. Lee, and C. S. Chen, 1996"Cross-Coupled Biaxial Step Control for CNC EDM," Int. J. of Machine Tools and Manufacture, Vol. 36, No. 12, pp. 1363-1383. |
40 |
Y. H. Fan, F. Z. Hsiao, and A. C. Lee, 1997 "Design of a Permanent/Electromagnetic Bearing-Controlled Rotor System," J. of Franklin Institute, Vol. 334(B), No.3, pp. 337-356. |
41 |
Y. P. Shih, and A. C. Lee, 1997 "Identification of the Unbalance Distribution in Flexible Rotors," Int. Journal of Mechanical Science, Vol.39, No.7, pp. 841-857. |
42 |
J. H. Chen, and A. C. Lee, 1997 "Identification of Linearized Dynamic Characteristics of Rolling Element Bearings", ASME Journal of Vibration and Acoustics, Vol. 119, pp. 60-69.(NSC 80-0401-E009-04) |
43 |
H. K. Lee, S. T. Chen and A. C. Lee, 1997 “Asymptotic Stability Analysis for Collocated Direct Output Feedback Control of Flexible Systems,” JSME International Journal, Series III, Vol. 40, No. 4, pp. 709-716. |
44 |
Y. T. Shih, A. C. Lee, and J. H. Chen, 1998 "Sensor-Actuator Placement for Modal Identification," J. of Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 12(5), pp. 641-659. |
45 |
C. S. Chen and A. C Lee, 1998 "Design of Acceleration/Deceleration Profiles in Motion Control Based on Digital FIR Filters" Int. J. of Machine Tools and Manufacture, Vol. 38, pp. 799-825. |
46 |
C. S. Chen and A. C Lee, 1999 "New Direct Velocity and Acceleration Feedforward Tracking Control in a Retrofitted Milling Machine" Int. J. of Japan Soc. Prec. Eng., Vol. 33, No. 3, pp. 178-184. |
件數 |
書名 |
1 |
"A CAD/CAM System from 3D Coordinate Measuring Data", The First International Conference on Automation Technology, Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C., July 4-6, 1990 (with D. P. Chen and C. L. Lin). |
2 |
"Analysis of Cutting Forces and Shape Errors in End Milling", The first International Conference on Automation Technology, Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C., July 4-6, 1990 (with S. T. Chang and C. S. Liu). |
3 |
"On the Design of Active Magnetic Bearing Systems," The 18th Seminar on Science and Technology, Symposium for Mechanical System Design, Feb. 24-25, Tokyo, Japan, 1992 (with Dennil Ko and Foam-Zone Hsiao). |
4 |
"Actuators/Sensors Positioning and Vibration Measure in the Control of Flexible System," The 1st Applied Mechanics Conference on Technology Development, Chung Shan Institute of Science and Technology, August 13-14, 1992 (with S. T. Chen). |
5 |
"Adaptive Control Optimization in End Milling Using Neural Networks," SINO-German Joint Symposium on Precision and High Speed Manufacturing Technology, Taipei, Oct. 4-5, 1993 (with S. T. Chiang, and D. I. Liu). |
6 |
"Optimum Design of the Magnetic Bearing-controlled Rotor System," Fourth International Symposium on Magnetic Bearings, Zurich, Swiss, August 23-26, pp. 139-144, 1994 (with F. Z. Hsiao). |
7 |
"Decentralized PID Control of Magnetic Bearings in a Rotor System," Fifth International Symposium on Magnetic Bearings, Kanazawa, Japan, August 28-30, pp. 13-18, 1996 (with Y. H. Fan). |
8 |
"Path Planning for CNC Contouring Around a Corner," Sino-German Joint Symposium on High-speed and High Precision Machining, Tainan, Taiwan, March, 1999 (with C.S. Chen, and Y.T. Shih). (NSC 88-2212-E009-033) |
9 |
"A New Structure of Cross-Coupling Control for Dual-axis Motion," The Sixth International Conference on Automation Technology (AUTOMATION 2000), Taipei, Taiwan, May, 2000 (with Y.T. Shih, and C.S. Chen) |